MIL-PRF-3135H Hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). The content of the HAPs solvents in any component of the
underlayment system shall not exceed the weight percent (% wt) values listed in Table II. Within these limitations
and the requirement that the finished underlay meets all requirements of this specification, solvent selection is the
responsibility of the manufacturer. HAP materials are defined by 40 CFR 63.
TABLE II. Hazardous air pollutant solvent content limits.
Hazardous solvent in mixed underlayment or its components
Maximum % wt
Chlorinated solvent(s), total
Solvents containing fluorine as defined by 40 CFR 82
Ethyl benzene
Methyl, Ethyl, and Butyl mono-ethers of ethylene glycol or the acetates
thereof, total (also known as methyl, ethyl, and butyl cello solves and
methyl, ethyl, and butyl cello solve acetates)
Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK)
Methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK)
Xylene (all forms), total
0.1 Volatile organic content (VOC). The VOC of Types I and II underlay systems shall not exceed 250
grams per liter (2.08 pounds per gallon). The VOC of Types III and IV materials shall be 0 grams per liter (0
pounds per gallon). Solvents and thinners. Thinning of VOC compliant underlayment is not allowed. The underlay system
components shall be able to be adequately mixed by hand and applied by trowel to the deck at any temperature
above 10ºC (50 °F) without the addition of thinning agents.
3.5.2 Flash point. The flash point of the underlayment or any component shall not be less than 38 °C (100 °F).
3.5.3 Weight. After the underlayment has fully cured, the material shall not exceed the following maximum
weight limits:
Type I:
(1) Class 1: 8.54 kilograms per square meter (1.75 pounds per square foot) at a thickness of 6.4
millimeters (0.25 inch).
(2) Class 2: 12.2 kilograms per square meter (2.50 pounds per square foot) at a thickness of 6.4
millimeters (0.25 inch).
b. Type II (All Classes): 12.2 kilograms per square meter (2.50 pounds per square foot) at a thickness of 6.4
millimeters (0.25 inch).
c. Type III (All Classes): 4.88 kilograms per square meter (1.00 pound per square foot) at a thickness of 6.4
millimeters (0.25 inch).
d. Type IV (All Classes): 7.81 kilograms per square meter (1.60 pounds per square foot) at a thickness of 6.4
millimeters (0.25 inch).
3.5.4 Resistance to impact. The deck covering underlay materials shall not show visible signs of chipping,
cracking, or detachment from the steel plate. There shall be not more than 1.59 millimeters (0.0625 inch) of
permanent indentation for Types I, II, and III, and not more than 0.7936 millimeter (0.03125 inch) of permanent
indentation for Type IV.
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